Why LANE4.io

The future of streamlined EHR connections.

What causes fragmentation in EHR Advertising?

Fragmentation is caused by the lack of connections required for EHR ad sellers and demand partners to freely access each other at scale.

For years, the quantity, quality, and cost of these required connections have been cost-prohibitive.

Until fragmentation is addressed, the unique opportunity to reach HCPs as they administer healthcare to patients will face significant challenges.

The impact of fragmentation.

Fragmented access to EHR ad inventory limits EHR advertising investments - frustrating life science brands.

Fragemented connections limits HCP reach and ad fill rates frustrating demand partners and EHR ad sellers.

Fragmentation costs EHR advertising over $100 million and life science brands over $500 million in annual revenue.

LANE4.io addresses fragmentation by streamlining connections

We streamline the creation of the connections required for EHR ad sellers and demand partners to provide brands with maximum reach.

Our connections simplify and improve the management of partners, operations, deals, and optimizations needed to boost performance.

Our platform provides the EHR advertising reach and performance to maximize EHR ad seller, demand partner, agency, and brand revenue.

Start streamlining your EHR connections now.